Monday, June 10, 2013


I'm excited about IOS 7, which has just been announced,  because it's going to have an improved Siri (at last) and a different looking everything! Airdrop, iTunes radio and control centre are some of the new features.

Better Siri: Siri will be upgraded with a better or more realistic voice and Siri is now a female or male voice, but I'm sure the new male voice will be called something different to Siri.

A different looking everything: As you can see Apple has changed the IOS look.

Airdrop: Airdrop is very handy if you wan't to send photos, videos and more to another iPhone user right next to you.


iTunes Radio: I don't know everything about iTunes radio but it sounds cool.

Control Centre: I like the idea of control centre, because the most useful things in settings is just a swipe away, from any app.

Looks like fun to me, it comes out this US fall which is September the 22. Rumours say the iPad mini 2 will come out some time then, might even on that day!!!

In case you don't know, I'm looking to buy the iPad mini 2.

1 comment:

  1. There seem to be some good improvements in IOS 7, I look forward to learning more.
