One month I asked "Can I send you (by email) a web link or two about Minecraft??" then he said "sure go ahed".
So I sent him five links which will give him all the information he needed to give me an answer. Later that afternoon I asker him if he had looked at the links, he replied "Not yet" so a gave him a day. The next afternoon I asked the same question he said "Yes but on two conditions"..................I nearly fell over! I asked if he was joking but he wasn't. So now I've been playing Minecraft when mum lets me. I'm still getting use to it so I can't say if it's as good as I hoped yet.
Here are the links, in case you want to look at them:
P.S The two conditions are that we don't play on a public server and.........I'v forgot the other one. : )
You are persistent.......and are learning well the art of negotiation.